| ![]() |
"1" | Insert Single Key Insert additional key CMND$ = "1\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" |
"2" | Delete Single Key Delete additional key CMND$ = "2\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" |
"A" | Search Next After Gets the key value and record number of the data record whose key value is greater than the requested key value. CMND$ = "A\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" |
"AD" | Search Next Different After Gets the key value and record number of the data record whose key value is greater and different than the requested key value. CMND$ = "AD\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" |
"B" | Build Record Insert a new record. CMND$ = "B\{FileNo}\{KeyString1}[\{KeyString2}[\{KeyString3}]]" |
"BK" | Build Keys Insert primary keys. CMND$ = "BK\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString1}[\{KeyString2}]" |
"C" | Create Indexfile Creates a index file with the specified characteristics. CMND$ = "C\{Filename}\{KeyLength}\{KeyCount}\{KeyType}\{FileNo}" |
"D" | Delete Record Deletes the primary keys from the index file and makes the associated record number available for future inserts. CMND$ = "D\{RecNo}\{DelFlag}\{FileNo}\{KeyString1}[\{KeyString2}...]" |
"DK" | Delete Keys Deletes the primary keys from the index file. CMND$ = "DK\{RecNo}\{DelFlag}\{FileNo}\{KeyString1}[\{KeyString2}...]" |
"DL" | Manipulate Deleted List Manipulate the list of deleted records. CMND$ = "DL\{RecNo}\{GetSetFlag}\{FileNo}" |
"E" | Search Previous Before Gets the key value and record number of the data record whose key value is less than the requested key value. CMND$ = "E\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" |
"ED" | Search Previous Different Before Gets the key value and record number of the data record whose key value is less than and different than the requested key value. CMND$ = "ED\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" |
"F" | Search First Gets the key value and record number of the data record with the first key value. CMND$ = "F\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}" |
"G" | Search Generic Gets the record number and key value of the first occurence of the left-justified partial key. CMND$ = "G\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" |
"H" | Get # Of Primary Keys Get the number of primary keys per record. CMND$ = "H\{FileNo}" |
"I" | Insert Record Insert a new record. CMND$ = "I\{FileNo}\{KeyString1}[\{KeyString2}[\{KeyString3}]]" |
"K" | Close Indexfile Releases a index file from availability. CMND$ = "K\{FileNo}" |
"KE" | Key Exists Check the existance of a key. CMND$ = "KE\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" |
"L" | Search Last Gets the key value and record number of the data record with the last key value. CMND$ = "L\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}" |
"M" | Get Key Length Get the maximum key length. CMND$ = "M\{FileNo}[\{KeyNo}]" |
"N" | Search Next Gets the key value and record number of the data record following the current record. CMND$ = "N\{FileNo}" |
"ND" | Search Next Different Gets the key value and record number of the data record following the current record. CMND$ = "ND\{FileNo}" |
"O" | Open Indexfile Makes a index file available for access. CMND$ = "O\{Filename}\{FileNo}" |
"PD" | Search Previous Different Gets the key value and record number of the data record preceding the current record. CMND$ = "PD\{FileNo}" |
"Q" | Get Next Record # Get the record number that will be assigned on the next insert command. CMND$ = "Q\{FileNo}" |
"R" | Replace Single Key Updates the specified key to the new key value. CMND$ = "R\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyStrOld}\{KeyStrNew}" |
"S" | Search Gets the record number of the data record whose key value matches the requested key value. CMND$ = "S\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" |
"T" | Get # Of Records Returns the number of records in the data file. CMND$ = "T\{FileNo}" |
"U" | Get # Of Deleted Records Returns the number of deleted records in the data file. CMND$ = "U\{FileNo}" |
"UK" | Get # Of Keys Returns the number of keys. CMND$ = "UK\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}" |
"W" | Write Page Map Flush cache buffers to disk. CMND$ = "W\{FileNo}" |
"X" | Get Record # High Get high order word of the record number. CMND$ = "X" |
"Y" | Auto Refresh Specifies file locking and cache modes in single- and multi-user environments. CMND$ = "Y\{RefreshMode}" |
"Z" | Reload File Buffers Reloads the contents of the internal cache buffers. CMND$ = "Z\{FileNo}" |
© 2008 GCS Software, Udo Gertz