FATS - Fast Access Tree System
Table of Contents
List of Commands
"D" Delete Record

"D" Delete Record

Command string:

CMND$ = "D\{RecNo}\{DelFlag}\{FileNo}\{KeyString1}[\{KeyString2}...]"

RecNo Record number
DelFlagSwitch (Y/N)
With set switch ("Y") FATS checks the presence of all transferred primary keys before any are deleted.
By this option the erasing process needs somewhat more time
FileNo File number
KeyString#Key value
[ ]Optional


Deletes the primary keys from the index file and makes the associated record number available for future inserts.


This command removes all primary keys that you have specified with the  Create Indexfile (C) command and releases the associated record number.
FATS remembers the record number of the deleted record so that it can be reused automatically on future Inserts on a last-in, first-out basis.

Note the fact that with this command only primary keys are deleted. Additional keys created with the  Insert Single Key (1) command have to be deleted with the  Delete Single Key (2) command.

Parameters returned:

ERRORCODE:Errorcode or 0 (no error)


CMND$ = "D\"+STR$(RECNO)+"Y\1\"+KEYSTR$+"\"+KEYSTR2$

 BASIC Example

See also:

 "2" Delete Single Key; page 4-8


© 2008  GCS Software, Udo Gertz