FATS - Fast Access Tree System
Table of Contents
List of Commands
"KE" Key Exists

"KE" Key Exists

Command string:

CMND$ = "KE\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}"

KeyNoKey number
RecNo Record number
FileNo File number
KeyString Key value


Check the existance of a key.


This command searches the index file for the specified key value ("KeyString") and record number ("RecNo"). If an exact match is found for both of these values, a errorcode of 0 is returned by FATS. Otherwise, it returns a nonzero status in the ERRORCODE variable. This command is useful for checking for the existance of a key.

Parameters returned:

ERRORCODE:Errorcode or 0 (no error)
RECNO:Record number
FATSKEY:Key value (or KEYADR=address of key)



See also:

 "S" Search; page 4-77
 "G" Search Generic; page 4-34


© 2008  GCS Software, Udo Gertz