| ![]() |
The following Visual Basic example demonstrates the use of the FATS  indexing commands:
![]() | "C" Create Indexfile (Creates a index file with the specified characteristics.) |
![]() | "B" Build Record (Insert a new record.) |
![]() | "W" Write Page Map (Flush cache buffers to disk.) |
![]() | "I" Insert Record (Insert a new record.) |
![]() | "D" Delete Record (Deletes the primary keys from the index file and makes the associated record number available for future inserts.) |
![]() | "R" Replace Single Key (Updates the specified key to the new key value.) |
![]() | "G" Search Generic (Gets the record number and key value of the first occurence of the left-justified partial key.) |
![]() | "F" Search First (Gets the key value and record number of the data record with the first key value.) |
![]() | "L" Search Last (Gets the key value and record number of the data record with the last key value.) |
![]() | "A" Search Next After (Gets the key value and record number of the data record whose key value is greater than the requested key value.) |
![]() | "E" Search Previous Before (Gets the key value and record number of the data record whose key value is less than the requested key value.) |
VERSION 2.00 Begin Form CustomerForm BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single Caption = "FATS Test program" FontBold = -1 'True FontItalic = 0 'False FontName = "MS Sans Serif" FontSize = 9,6 FontStrikethru = 0 'False FontUnderline = 0 'False Height = 4680 Left = 1584 LinkTopic = "KunStamm" ScaleHeight = 4308 ScaleWidth = 5424 Top = 1596 Width = 5520 Begin ListBox List FontBold = -1 'True FontItalic = 0 'False FontName = "Courier New" FontSize = 9,6 FontStrikethru = 0 'False FontUnderline = 0 'False Height = 270 Left = 120 TabIndex = 26 Top = 1440 Visible = 0 'False Width = 5175 End Begin OptionButton Option3 Caption = "Zip/City" Height = 375 Left = 2760 TabIndex = 25 Top = 960 Visible = 0 'False Width = 1452 End Begin OptionButton Option2 Caption = "Job" Height = 372 Left = 1440 TabIndex = 24 Top = 960 Visible = 0 'False Width = 1332 End Begin OptionButton Option1 Caption = "Name" Height = 375 Left = 120 TabIndex = 23 Top = 960 Visible = 0 'False Width = 1215 End Begin CommandButton Lists Caption = "List" Height = 375 Left = 3240 TabIndex = 21 Top = 0 Width = 1060 End Begin CommandButton RecordDelete Caption = "Delete" Enabled = 0 'False Height = 375 Left = 2160 TabIndex = 20 Top = 0 Width = 1060 End Begin CommandButton RecordSave Caption = "Save" Height = 375 Left = 1080 TabIndex = 19 Top = 0 Width = 1060 End Begin CommandButton RecordNew Caption = "New" Enabled = 0 'False Height = 375 Left = 0 TabIndex = 18 Top = 0 Width = 1065 End Begin CommandButton RecordLast Caption = "Last" Height = 375 Left = 4320 TabIndex = 17 Top = 370 Width = 1060 End Begin CommandButton RecordNext Caption = ">>" Height = 375 Left = 3240 TabIndex = 16 Top = 370 Width = 1060 End Begin CommandButton RecordSearch Caption = "Search" Height = 375 Left = 2160 TabIndex = 15 Top = 370 Width = 1060 End Begin CommandButton RecordPrev Caption = "<<" Height = 375 Left = 1080 TabIndex = 14 Top = 370 Width = 1060 End Begin CommandButton RecordFirst Caption = "First" Height = 375 Left = 0 TabIndex = 13 Top = 370 Width = 1060 End Begin CommandButton Create Caption = "Create" Height = 375 Left = 4320 TabIndex = 12 Top = 0 Width = 1060 End Begin TextBox City Height = 324 Left = 2280 MaxLength = 20 TabIndex = 11 Top = 3240 Width = 2655 End Begin TextBox ZIP Height = 324 Left = 1440 MaxLength = 5 TabIndex = 10 Top = 3240 Width = 735 End Begin TextBox Street Height = 324 Left = 1440 MaxLength = 25 TabIndex = 9 Top = 2880 Width = 3495 End Begin TextBox Job Height = 324 Left = 1440 MaxLength = 25 TabIndex = 8 Top = 2520 Width = 3495 End Begin TextBox CName Height = 324 Left = 1440 MaxLength = 25 TabIndex = 7 Top = 2160 Width = 3495 End Begin TextBox CustomerId Height = 324 Left = 1440 MaxLength = 5 TabIndex = 6 Top = 1800 Width = 735 End Begin Label StateLabel Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 22 Top = 3960 Width = 5175 End Begin Label txtZipCity Caption = "Zip/City" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 5 Top = 3240 Width = 1215 End Begin Label txtStreet Caption = "Street" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 4 Top = 2880 Width = 1215 End Begin Label txtJob Caption = "Job" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 3 Top = 2520 Width = 1215 End Begin Label txtName Caption = "Name" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 2 Top = 2160 Width = 1215 End Begin Label txtCustomerId Caption = "ID" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 1 Top = 1800 Width = 1215 End Begin Label txtTitle Alignment = 2 'Center Caption = "Customers" FontBold = -1 'True FontItalic = 0 'False FontName = "MS Serif" FontSize = 12 FontStrikethru = 0 'False FontUnderline = 0 'False ForeColor = &H00800000& Height = 375 Left = 1080 TabIndex = 0 Top = 960 Width = 3255 End End Dim customers As custrec Dim dwCurrentRecno As Long Dim nListMode As Integer Sub Create_Click () Dim szDemoFile As String Dim szKeyFile As String Dim szCmnd As String Dim szMsg As String If MsgBox("Do you want to rebuild the data file ?", 4) <> 6 Then Exit Sub szDemoFile = App.Path + "\..\..\..\DEMODATA\" + "CUSTOMER.ANS" szKeyFile = App.Path + "\" + "CUSTOMER.KEY" If Dir$(szDemoFile) = "" Then szMsg = "Datei " + szDemoFile + " not found" MsgBox (szMsg) Exit Sub End If '"C" Create Indexfile ' ' With this command you create an index file, whereby a possibly ' already existing file with the same name is deleted. ' After the file is created it will be opened with the opening ' flags defined with the command Auto Refresh (Y) and can be ' accessed under the file number you specified. ' ' Max. 200 primary keys per data record can be administered in an ' index file, the max. key length amounts to 240 characters. ' ' Full path names must be specified using forward slashes (/) ' instead of Backslashes (\), because FATS normally uses the ' Backslash character as delimiter. ' You may change the delimiters by placing the desired character ' as the first character of the command string, ' e.g. szCmnd = "&C&C:\ARTICLES.KEY&1&1&A&1". Any character with ' an Ascii code less then 48 will be accepted. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "C\{Filename}\{KeyLength}\{KeyCount}\{KeyType}\{FileNo}" ' ' FileName filename, perhaps with an additional path ' (e.g. C:/DATA/ARTICLES.KEY or ARTICLES.KEY) ' ' KeyLength Maximum key length (1-250) ' If you choose to have more than one key for ' this index file, you may specify the length ' for each key (separated by a semicolon ";") ' to conserve diskette space. ' Otherwise, the maximum length applies to all ' keys, i.e. every key will occupy the maximum ' space. ' ' KeyCount Number of primary keys (1-200) ' ' KeyType Key type (A = Ascii text, I = Integer) ' ' FileNo File number (1-40)
szCmnd = "&C&" + szKeyFile + "&5;25&4&A&1" Call FATSCall (szCmnd) Open szDemoFile For Random As #2 Len = 105 Dim szDemoData As String * 105 Dim nCounter As Integer For nCounter = 1 To 290 Get #2, nCounter, szDemoData LSet customers.DeletedMark$ = " " LSet customers.CustomerId$ = Mid$(szDemoData, 1, 5) LSet customers.Name$ = Mid$(szDemoData, 6, 25) LSet customers.Job$ = Mid$(szDemoData, 31, 25) LSet customers.Street$ = Mid$(szDemoData, 56, 25) LSet customers.Zip$ = Mid$(szDemoData, 81, 5) LSet customers.City$ = Mid$(szDemoData, 86, 20) '
"B" Build Record ' ' This command corresponds to the command Insert Record (I) ' except that FATS does not perform writes to the operation ' system until its cache is full and the least-recently-used ' algorithm controlling the I/O buffer cache selects a buffer ' for reuse. FATS never writes to the index file unless the ' cache buffers are entirely filled during the operation. ' All other FATS commands will update the index file before ' returning to the calling program (if this feature had not ' been disabled with the Auto Refresh (Y) command). ' ' When using this command, you cannot assume that any of your ' updates have been written to the disk until you either perform ' a close operation or execute the command Write Page Map (W). ' In the network environment you should open the file in exclusive ' open mode before you operate with this instruction. ' ' This command decreases the time required for insert operations, ' and is especially useful for loading a large number of records. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "B\{FileNo}\{KeyStr1}[\{KeyStr2}[\{KeyStr3}]]" ' ' FileNo File number ' ' KeyStr# Key value
szCmnd = "B\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(customers.CustomerId$)) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(customers.Name$)) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(customers.Job$)) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & customers.Zip$ & UCase$(RTrim$(customers.City$)) Call FATSCall (szCmnd) If nFATSError <> 0 Then szMsg = "FATS-Error: " + Str$(nFATSError) MsgBox (szMsg) Exit For End If CustomerForm.StateLabel = Str$(dwFATSRecno) + " records" If (nCounter And 8) Then CustomerForm.StateLabel.Refresh Put #1, dwFATSRecno, customers Next nCounter Close #2 Call FATSCall ("W\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey)) Call RecordFirst_Click End Sub Sub DrawButtons () If dwCurrentRecno = 0 Then RecordNew.Enabled = False RecordDelete.Enabled = False Else RecordNew.Enabled = True RecordDelete.Enabled = True End If End Sub Sub Lists_Click () RecordNew.Enabled = nListMode RecordSave.Enabled = nListMode RecordDelete.Enabled = nListMode Create.Enabled = nListMode RecordFirst.Enabled = nListMode RecordNext.Enabled = nListMode RecordSearch.Enabled = nListMode RecordPrev.Enabled = nListMode RecordLast.Enabled = nListMode CustomerId.Enabled = nListMode CName.Enabled = nListMode Job.Enabled = nListMode Street.Enabled = nListMode Zip.Enabled = nListMode City.Enabled = nListMode txtTitle.Visible = nListMode If nListMode = False Then nListMode = True list.Height = 2370 dwCurrentRecno = 0 Else nListMode = False RecordFirst_Click End If Option1.Visible = nListMode Option2.Visible = nListMode Option3.Visible = nListMode list.Visible = nListMode End Sub Sub Option1_Click () Dim szCmnd As String list.Clear CustomerForm.StateLabel = "sorted in ascending order by NAME" '
"F" Search First ' ' This command enables your application to retrieve the ' record number corresponding to the first key value for ' the specified key number. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "F\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' FileNo File number
szCmnd = "F\2\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) LOOP1: Call FATSCall (szCmnd) If nFATSError <> 0 GoTo LABEL1 list.AddItem szFATSkey '
"A" Search Next After ' ' With this command your application can retrieve the record ' number corresponding to the first key value which is greater ' than the key value you specify. ' If a duplicate key exists, the next higher record number of ' the next duplicate will be returned. The key value you specify ' with "KeyString" don't have to be a valid key in the index file. ' ' Unlike the "Search Next" command, this command can be used in ' a network environment. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "A\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' RecNo Record number ' ' FileNo File number ' ' KeyString Key value
szCmnd = "A\2\" & Str$(dwFATSRecno) & "\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) & "\" & szFATSkey GoTo LOOP1 LABEL1: End Sub Sub Option2_Click () Dim szCmnd As String list.Clear CustomerForm.StateLabel = "sorted in ascending order by JOB" szCmnd = "F\3\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) LOOP2: Call FATSCall (szCmnd) If nFATSError <> 0 GoTo LABEL2 Get #1, dwFATSRecno, customers list.AddItem customers.Job$ + customers.Name$ szCmnd = "A\3\" & Str$(dwFATSRecno) & "\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) & "\" & szFATSkey GoTo LOOP2 LABEL2: End Sub Sub Option3_Click () Dim szCmnd As String list.Clear CustomerForm.StateLabel = "sorted in descending order by ZIP then CITY" '
"L" Search Last ' ' This command enables your application to retrieve the ' record number corresponding to the last key value for ' the specified key number. If duplicates exist for the ' last key value, the record number returned identifies ' the last duplicate, that is, the one inserted most ' recently. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "L\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' FileNo File number
szCmnd = "L\4\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) LOOP3: Call FATSCall (szCmnd) If nFATSError <> 0 GoTo LABEL3 Get #1, dwFATSRecno, customers list.AddItem customers.Zip$ + customers.City$ + customers.Name$ '
"E" Search Previous Before ' ' With this command your application can retrieve the record ' number corresponding to the first key value which is less ' than the key value you specify. ' If a duplicate key exists, the next lower record number of ' the previous duplicate will be returned. The key value you ' specify with "KeyString" don't have to be a valid key in the ' index file. ' ' Unlike the "Search Prev" command, this command can be used in ' a network environment. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "E\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' RecNo Record number ' ' FileNo File number ' ' KeyString Key value
szCmnd = "E\4\" & Str$(dwFATSRecno) & "\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) & "\" & szFATSkey GoTo LOOP3 LABEL3: End Sub Function replacekey (keyold$, keynew$, keynr%) As Integer Dim szCmnd As String Dim szMsg As String If keyold$ <> keynew$ Then '
"R" Replace Single Key ' ' This command changes the key value "KeyStrOld" of the ' record specified over the variable "RecNo" into the new ' key value "KeyStrNew" with the same record number. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "R\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyStrOld}\{KeyStrNew}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' RecNo Record number ' ' FileNo File number ' ' KeyStrOld Old key value ' ' KeyStrNew New key value
szCmnd = "R\" & Str$(keynr%) & "\" & Str$(dwCurrentRecno) + "\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) & "\" & keyold$ & "\" & keynew$ Call FATSCall (szCmnd) If nFATSError <> 0 Then szMsg = "FATS-Error: " + Str$(nFATSError) + szCmnd MsgBox (szMsg) replacekey = 0 Exit Function End If End If replacekey = 1 End Function Sub RecordFirst_Click () '
"F" Search First ' ' This command enables your application to retrieve the ' record number corresponding to the first key value for ' the specified key number. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "F\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' FileNo File number Call FATSCall ("F\2\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey)) If nFATSError = 0 Then RecordLoad Else RecordNew_Click End If End Sub Sub RecordLoad () Get #1, dwFATSRecno, customers dwCurrentRecno = dwFATSRecno CustomerId.Text = RTrim$(customers.CustomerId) CName.Text = RTrim$(customers.Name) Job.Text = RTrim$(customers.Job) CustomerForm.Street = RTrim$(customers.Street) Zip.Text = RTrim$(customers.Zip) City.Text = RTrim$(customers.City) CustomerForm.StateLabel = "RecNo: " + Str$(dwCurrentRecno) Call DrawButtons End Sub Sub RecordLast_Click () '
"L" Search Last ' ' This command enables your application to retrieve the ' record number corresponding to the last key value for ' the specified key number. If duplicates exist for the ' last key value, the record number returned identifies ' the last duplicate, that is, the one inserted most ' recently. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "L\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' FileNo File number Call FATSCall ("L\2\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey)) If nFATSError = 0 Then RecordLoad End Sub Sub RecordDelete_Click () Dim szCmnd As String Dim szMsg As String If dwCurrentRecno <> 0 Then '
"D" Delete Record ' ' This command removes all primary keys that you have ' specified with the Create Indexfile (C) command and ' releases the associated record number. ' FATS remembers the record number of the deleted record ' so that it can be reused automatically on future ' Inserts on a last-in, first-out basis. ' ' Note the fact that with this command only primary keys ' are deleted. Additional keys created with the Insert ' Single Key (1) command have to be deleted with the ' Delete Single Key (2) command. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "D\{RecNo}\{DelFlag}\{FileNo}\{KeyStr1}[\{KeyStr2}...]" ' ' RecNo Record number ' ' DelFlag Switch (Y/N) ' With set switch ("Y") FATS checks the presence ' of all transferred primary keys before any are ' deleted. By this option the erasing process ' needs somewhat more time ' ' FileNo File number ' ' KeyStr# Key value
szCmnd = "D\" & Str$(dwCurrentRecno) & "\Y\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(customers.CustomerId$)) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(customers.Name$)) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(customers.Job$)) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & customers.Zip$ + UCase$(RTrim$(customers.City$)) Call FATSCall (szCmnd) If nFATSError <> 0 Then szMsg = "FATS-Error: " + Str$(nFATSError) MsgBox (szMsg) Exit Sub End If customers.DeletedMark = "D" Put #1, dwFATSRecno, customers Call RecordNew_Click End If End Sub Sub RecordNext_Click () '
"A" Search Next After ' ' With this command your application can retrieve the record ' number corresponding to the first key value which is greater ' than the key value you specify. ' If a duplicate key exists, the next higher record number of ' the next duplicate will be returned. The key value you specify ' with "KeyString" don't have to be a valid key in the index file. ' ' Unlike the "Search Next" command, this command can be used in ' a network environment. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "A\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' RecNo Record number ' ' FileNo File number ' ' KeyString Key value Call FATSCall ("A\2\" & Str$(dwCurrentRecno) & "\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) & "\" + UCase$(RTrim$(CName.Text))) If nFATSError = 0 Then RecordLoad End Sub Sub RecordNew_Click () dwCurrentRecno = 0 CustomerId.Text = "" CName.Text = "" Job.Text = "" CustomerForm.Street = "" Zip.Text = "" City.Text = "" CustomerForm.StateLabel = "New Record" Call DrawButtons End Sub Sub RecordSave_Click () Dim szCmnd As String Dim szStr1 As String Dim szStr2 As String Dim szMsg As String szStr2 = Zip.Text If Len(szStr2) < 5 Then szStr2 = szStr2 + Space$(5 - Len(szStr2)) szStr2 = szStr2 + UCase$(RTrim$(City.Text)) If dwCurrentRecno = 0 Then '
"I" Insert Record ' ' This command is used to insert the primary keys of a new ' data record into the index file. After the insert, the ' record number of the new record is returned in the "RECNO" ' variable. You can use this record number to write the data ' record to the data file. ' ' The number of keys included in the command string must equal ' the number of primary keys you specified in the ' Create Indexfile (C) command. ' ' The length of the transferred keys may not exceed the maximum ' key length specified with the Create Indexfile (C) command. ' Variable length keys will be padded with the Ascii char 0 to ' the maximum key length. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "I\{FileNo}\{KeyStr1}[\{KeyStr2}[\{KeyStr3}]]" ' ' FileNo File number ' ' KeyStr# Key value
szCmnd = "I\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(CustomerId.Text)) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(CName.Text)) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(Job.Text)) szCmnd = szCmnd & "\" & szStr2 Call FATSCall (szCmnd) If nFATSError <> 0 Then szMsg = "FATS-Error: " + Str$(nFATSError) + szCmnd MsgBox (szMsg) Exit Sub End If LSet customers.Name = CName.Text LSet customers.Job = Job.Text LSet customers.Zip = Zip.Text LSet customers.City = City.Text dwCurrentRecno = dwFATSRecno Else If replacekey(UCase$(RTrim$(customers.CustomerId)), UCase$(RTrim$(CustomerId.Text)), 1) <> 0 Then LSet customers.CustomerId = CustomerId.Text If replacekey(UCase$(RTrim$(customers.Name)), UCase$(RTrim$(CName.Text)), 2) <> 0 Then LSet customers.Name = CName.Text If replacekey(UCase$(RTrim$(customers.Job)), UCase$(RTrim$(Job.Text)), 3) <> 0 Then LSet customers.Job = Job.Text szStr1 = customers.Zip + UCase$(RTrim$(customers.City)) If replacekey(szStr1, szStr2, 4) <> 0 Then LSet customers.Zip = Zip.Text LSet customers.City = City.Text End If End If LSet customers.DeletedMark = " " LSet customers.CustomerId = CustomerId.Text LSet customers.Street = Street.Text Put #1, dwCurrentRecno, customers CustomerForm.StateLabel = "RecNo: " + Str$(dwCurrentRecno) Call DrawButtons End Sub Sub RecordSearch_Click () '
"G" Search Generic ' ' This command serves like the command Search (S) the search ' for a data record over the indicated key value, but no ' full information of the key is necessary here. ' FATS looks up for the first key, which begins with the ' characters specified over "KeyString". ' ' With the commands Search Next (N) and Search Next After (A) ' you can determine the following data records, but you have ' to compare the value of "KeyString" with the returned key ' value each time. ' ' If FATS finds the requested key, it returns the key value ' in the FATSKEY variable and a errorcode of 0. Otherwise, it ' returns a nonzero status in the ERRORCODE variable indicating ' why it cannot find the key: ' ' 12 There is no key which starts with the characters ' specified over "KeyString",FATS returns the record ' number of the adjacent smaller key ' ' 13 The specified key was not found because it is smaller ' than all keys in the index file. FATS returns the first ' key in the file. ' ' 15 The specified key was not found because it is greater ' than all keys in the index file. FATS returns the last ' key in the file. ' ' 16 There wasn't inserted any keys into the index file. ' ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "G\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' FileNo File number ' ' KeyString Key value
Call FATSCall ("G\2\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(CName.Text))) If nFATSError = 0 Or (nFATSError > 11 And nFATSError < 15) Then RecordLoad End Sub Sub RecordPrev_Click () '
"E" Search Previous Before ' ' With this command your application can retrieve the record ' number corresponding to the first key value which is less ' than the key value you specify. ' If a duplicate key exists, the next lower record number of ' the previous duplicate will be returned. The key value you ' specify with "KeyString" don't have to be a valid key in the ' index file. ' ' Unlike the "Search Prev" command, this command can be used in ' a network environment. ' ' The syntax of the command string: ' ' szCmnd = "E\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}" ' ' KeyNo Key number ' ' RecNo Record number ' ' FileNo File number ' ' KeyString Key value Call FATSCall ("E\2\" + Str$(dwCurrentRecno) & "\" & Str$(nFileNoCustKey) & "\" & UCase$(RTrim$(CName.Text))) If nFATSError = 0 Then RecordLoad End Sub
© 2008 GCS Software, Udo Gertz