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The This index enables FATS to find each data record by specification of any terms in fractions of a second. The following VB DOS example demonstrates the use of the FATS matchcode commands: FATS matchcode commands create a full-text index with the content of your data tables or -files.
Every word and every number is incorporated into the index, an "inverted list" is generated.
![]() | "MC" Create Matchcode File (Define, create and open a Matchcode-Index-File.) |
![]() | "MB" Build Matchcode (Build the Matchcode-Index.) |
![]() | "O" Open Indexfile (Makes a index file available for access.) |
![]() | "MS" Search in Matchcode (Query the matchcode index, and setup an result set.) |
PRINT "This program needs the extended version of FATS (FATSXWE.EXE)" PRINT "It tests the 'MC', 'MB', 'MS' and 'MA' commands" PRINT PRINT "To compile and link the test program, use the following commands:" PRINT PRINT " BC TST2_ENG" PRINT " LINK TST2_ENG FATSXVBR.LIB" PRINT INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...", X$ PRINT REM Load/Unload the FATS Extended Workstation Engine: REM REM Load: FATSXWE REM Unload: FATSXWE -unload REM -------> Activation of Network Operation REM REM FATS is standardly equiped for the network environment. REM Nearly all commands can be executed both in single workstation REM and network environment. With the"Y" Auto Refresh command you REM determine the behavior of FATS accessing all index files. REM Normally it is sufficient to apply this instruction one time at REM the program start whereby the specified access mode will apply REM to all coming opened files, i.e. they are accessed either with REM network (Y\2) or single workstation access (Y\0).
REM CALL FATSBASIC("Y\2", ERRORCODE%, RECNO&, KEYLEN%) REM -------> Open data file PRINT "Opening data file ..." OPEN "R", #1, "CUSTOMER.DAT", 128 FIELD #1, 1 AS DELETEDMARK$,_ 5 AS CUSTID$,_ 25 AS NAME$,_ 25 AS JOB$,_ 25 AS STREET$,_ 5 AS ZIP$,_ 20 AS CITY$ REM ======================================================================== REM Creating Matchcode Index REM ======================================================================== REM -------> Creating Matchcode Index File REM REM With the command
"MC" Create Matchcode File, the most important REM query facilities are determined already while creating the REM matchcode index file. With the search-group flag ("I#"), several REM logically related data columns can be registered in a common index REM so that a query to this index resp. search group extends automatically REM over all these columns. A matchcode file manages up to 32 search REM groups that can be used for joined queries (using the "AND"-operator). REM REM In this example the following search groups are defined: REM REM Search Group Fields REM REM I1 NAME REM I2 JOB REM I3 ZIP & CITY REM REM The syntax of the command string: REM REM szCmnd = "MC\{FileName}\{Flags}\{FileNo}\{Col1def}[\{Col2def}]" REM REM FileName Filename, perhaps with an additional path REM (i.e. C:/DATA/CUSTOMER.FMS or CUSTOMER.FMS) REM REM Flags Reserved, not used at the moment REM REM FileNo File number REM REM Col#def Definition of data column # (flags, separated by comma). REM The content of the corresponding data columns is transferred REM the commands "MB", "MI" and "MD" later in the order determined REM by this command. REM REM I# The content of the data column becomes part of search REM group #. You can combine several columns into a logical REM search group (e.g. first name, surname). REM REM C The content of the data column is edited for word overall REM searching, i.e. a search for "motorca" e.g. finds REM "motorcar" and "motor caravan". REM REM N Numbers are handled as words, i.e. during a search REM according to "150", "12150" e.g. is also found. REM REM Further adjustments are possible and described in detail REM in the user manual.
PRINT PRINT "Creating matchcode index file ..." CALL FATSBASIC("MC\CUSTOMER.FTS\\1\I1\I2\I3", ERRORCODE%, RECNO&, KEYLEN%) IF ERRORCODE% <> 0 THEN PRINT IF ERRORCODE% = -1 THEN PRINT "FATS workstation engine is not activated." PRINT "Please start the program by entering FATSXWE at the command line." ELSE PRINT "FATS errorcode: "; ERRORCODE%; " (command: MC)" END IF GOTO ENDE END IF REM -------> Insert text into the matchcode index REM REM After the matchcode file was generated, the content of the REM data columns may be with the command
"MB" Build Matchcode REM inserted into the matchcode index. The position of the REM data columns within the command string ("Col#data") corresponds REM to that with the call of command Create Matchcode File ("MC") REM determined definition. REM REM The syntax of the command string: REM REM szCmnd = "MB\{FileNo}\{RecNo}\{Col1data}[\{Col2data}[\{Col3data}]]" REM REM FileNo File number REM REM RecNo <> 0 Record- resp. id-number REM == 0 Stop Build, no more records REM REM Col#data Content of data column # REM REM REM The following sample program code indexes contents of the REM entire data file within a loop:
PRINT PRINT "Building matchcode index" PRINT INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...", X$ CURRECNO& = 0 REM While indexing sequential data resources, the number specified REM via "RecNo" should correspond to the physical record number REM i.e. the first data record has number 1, the second record number 2.., REM in the case of data records marked as deleted, the content of the REM data columns is not specified ("MB\{FileNo}\{RecNo}"). REM REM The Build Matchcode (MB) command demands an ascending number as a REM "RecNo" argument i.e. the matchcode can not usually be indexed in REM the logical order of an index-key. REM The example program MCSORT.bas shows how an application REM program might use the "MC" command to create the REM matchcode index in sorted order. DO GET #1, CURRECNO& + 1 IF NOT EOF(1) THEN CURRECNO& = CURRECNO& + 1 CMND$ = "MB\1\" + STR$(CURRECNO&) IF DELETEDMARK$ = " " THEN CMND$ = CMND$ + "\" + RTRIM$(NAME$) CMND$ = CMND$ + "\" + RTRIM$(JOB$) CMND$ = CMND$ + "\" + RTRIM$(ZIP$ + " " + CITY$) END IF CALL FATSBASIC(CMND$, ERRORCODE%, RECNO&, KEYLEN%) IF ERRORCODE% <> 0 THEN REM If an error occurred during the execution of the "MB" command, REM the matchcode index file is already closed by FATS. PRINT "FATS errorcode: "; ERRORCODE%; " (command: MB)" EXIT DO END IF PRINT " "; NAME$; " --> RecNo "; CURRECNO& ELSE REM After the last record was inserted the creating process REM has to be terminated with the command "MB\{FileNo}\0". REM Because this command closes the matchcode index file you don't REM have to do a close command. CALL FATSBASIC("MB\1\0", ERRORCODE%, RECNO&, KEYLEN%) END IF LOOP WHILE NOT EOF(1) IF CURRECNO& = 0 THEN PRINT PRINT "Error opening the file CUSTOMER.DAT" PRINT "Please create the file using the test programs" PRINT "TST0_ENG.BAS or TST1_ENG.BAS" GOTO ENDE END IF REM ======================================================================== REM Matchcode Search REM ======================================================================== REM -------> Open matchcode index file REM REM With the command
"O" Open Indexfile you open an existing REM matchcode index file with the opening flags defined with REM the command
"Y" Auto Refresh. After the file was opened REM it can be accessed under the file number you specified.
CALL FATSBASIC("O\CUSTOMER.FTS\1", ERRORCODE%, RECNO&, KEYLEN%) REM -------> Search in Search-Group 1 (NAME) REM REM The command
"MS" Search in Matchcode searches the matchcode REM index and fills the result set with the record- resp. ID-numbers REM of data records which include the searched terms. If FATS finds REM the requested terms, it returns the record- resp. ID-number of REM the first hit in the "dwRecno" variable and a errorcode of 0. REM The result set can then be read out with the browser commands REM ("MA", "ME", "MN", "MP" ...). REM REM The syntax of the command string: REM REM szCmnd = "MS\{FileNo}\{Flags}\{Total}\{SearchGrp1}[\{SearchGrp2}...]" REM REM FileNo File number REM REM Flags The search procedure can be adjusted by the specification REM of different flags. You find a description of the flags REM in the command reference. REM REM Total Maximum number of hits in the result set: REM REM 0 All hits are set into the result set. This regulation REM works very fast, however, no sorting occurs by means of REM hit quality. REM REM >0 It is attempted to put the specified number of hits into REM the result set. These hits are subjected to a sorting REM concerning their quality and then put into one of REM 7 sorting groups. REM REM SearchGrp# The in search group # searched terms. REM REM REM Different FATS commands can be used for further processing REM of the result table, depending on the program logic. REM The following example prints all hits on the output device:
PRINT PRINT "We now search for all customers with the first name Michael." PRINT INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...", X$ PRINT CMND$ = "MS\1\\0\michael" DO CALL FATSBASIC(CMND$, ERRORCODE%, RECNO&, KEYLEN%) IF ERRORCODE% <> 0 THEN EXIT DO GET #1, RECNO& PRINT NAME$; " | "; JOB$ PRINT ZIP$; " "; CITY$; " (#"; RECNO&; ")" PRINT CMND$ = "MA\1\" + STR$(RECNO&) LOOP WHILE NOT ERRORCODE% REM The following browser commands are supported by FATS: REM REM "MF" - Get First Result REM "ML" - Get Last Result REM "MP" - Get Previous Result REM "MN" - Get Next Result REM "MA" - Get Next Result After REM "ME" - Get Previous Result Before REM --------> Joined search in Search-Groups 2 (JOB) and 3 (ZIP/CITY) PRINT PRINT "We are now doing a joined search over the search groups" PRINT "2 (Job) and 3 (Zip, City) to find all people from nevada" PRINT "who are related to the transportation industry." PRINT INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...", X$ PRINT CMND$ = "MS\1\\0\\trans\nev" DO CALL FATSBASIC(CMND$, ERRORCODE%, RECNO&, KEYLEN%) IF ERRORCODE% <> 0 THEN EXIT DO GET #1, RECNO& PRINT NAME$; " | "; JOB$ PRINT ZIP$; " "; CITY$; " (#"; RECNO&; ")" PRINT CMND$ = "MA\1\" + STR$(RECNO&) LOOP WHILE NOT ERRORCODE% REM --------> Close matchcode index file CALL FATSBASIC("K\1", ERRORCODE%, RECNO&, KEYLEN%) ENDE: CLOSE #1
© 2008 GCS Software, Udo Gertz