| ![]() |
FileNo | File number | |
Flags | The following flags are supported: | |
S# | The result set is by means of the sort key # (1-4) sorted alphanumerically. Sorting occurs within the sorting groups generated by FATS for the qualitative weight of the hits. Please take a further explanation of the sort keys from the description of the ![]() | |
GF# | This flag initiates FATS to ignore hits of the sorting groups < #, to i.e. only incorporate the hits in the result set that do not fall into one of the sorting groups less than the specified one. | |
Total | Maximum number of hits in the result set: | |
0 | All hits are set into the result set. This regulation works very fast, however, no sorting occurs by means of hit quality. | |
!= 0 | It is attempted to put the specified number of hits into the result set. These hits are subjected to a sorting concerning their quality and then put into one of 7 sorting groups. With the additional utilization of a sort key ("#S"), only 500 hits are possible. | |
SearchGrp# | The in search group # searched terms. |
If the specified query consists of more than one search group the results from each search group are joined with the AND-operator, i.e. a data record is selected only if it shows all asked terms within the respective search groups. The search terms are separated from each other by blanks and the search groups (SearchGrp#) through the FATS separator (usually, a backslash).
The "Total"-flag allows sorting the result set by means of hit quality. These hits are subjected to a sorting concerning their quality and then put into one of 7 sorting groups. The sorting groups 1 to 3 are supported only if the flag "L" was specified in the Create Matchcode File (MC) command.
The following sequence within the result set results during use of the sorting groups:
Group 1: | The searched term stands as a whole word at the beginning of a data column. (e.g. "Beton für den Heimwerker") |
Group 2: | Like group 1, however, the term is disturbed by one or several blanks or separators. (e.g. "B e t o n") |
Group 3: | Like group 2, however, the searched term only occurs at the beginning of a word. (e.g. "Betonerzeugnisse"). |
Group 4: | Like group 1, however, the term is not at the beginning of the data column (e.g. "Frischer Beton vom Fachbetrieb"). |
Group 5: | Like group 2, however not at the start of column. |
Group 6: | Like group 3, however, the term is not at the beginning of the data column (e.g. "Neue Betonmischer abzugeben"). |
Group 7: | All remaining hits (e.g. "Spannbeton", "Spannbetonwerk" or "do not bet on me"). |
This command is only supported by the extended version of FATS.
ERRORCODE: | Errorcode or 0 (no error) |
RECNO: | Record number |
FATSKEY: | If a primary key was generated during the creation of the matchcode index file with the "K#:#" flag, it is made available via this variable to the application program. |
or consider only the first search group, no hit limitation:
CMND$ = "MS\1\\0\"+SEARCHGRP1$
or search only in the second search group (a maximum of 150 hits):
CMND$ = "MS\1\\150\"+"\"+SEARCHGRP2$
© 2008 GCS Software, Udo Gertz