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The This index enables FATS to find each data record by specification of any terms in fractions of a second. The following Microsoft Pascal example demonstrates the use of the FATS matchcode commands: FATS matchcode commands create a full-text index with the content of your data tables or -files.
Every word and every number is incorporated into the index, an "inverted list" is generated.
(* FATS Extended Demo for MS Pascal / IBM Pascal This program needs the extended version of FATS (FATSXM.OBJ or FATSXO16.DLL) It tests the 'MC', 'MB', 'MS' and 'MA' commands *) program TST2_ENG (input, output); type custrec = record DELETEDMARK: char; ID: lstring(5); NAME: lstring(25); JOB: lstring(25); STREET: lstring(25); ZIP: lstring(5); CITY: lstring(20); end; const fn_cust = 'CUSTOMER.DAT'; var szCmnd: lstring(255); szFATSkey: lstring(255); uFATSError: word; dwFATSRecno: integer4; hCustomer: file of custrec; cdata: custrec; dwCurRecno: integer4; szRecno: lstring(8); cChar: char; function FATSCALL (vars cmnd: lstring; vars errorcode: word; vars fatskey: lstring) : integer4; extern; begin writeln ('FATS Extended test program (commands "MC", "MB", "MS" and "MA")'); writeln ('This Test Program was designed for Microsoft Pascal'); writeln; writeln ('To compile and link the test program, use ONE of the following methods:'); writeln; writeln (' 1. METHOD: Linking FATS to the program'); writeln; writeln (' PAS1 TST2_ENG'); writeln (' PAS2'); writeln (' LINK TST2_ENG FATSX.OBJ FATS_MSP.OBJ'); writeln; writeln (' 2. METHOD: Calling the Dynamic Link Library'); writeln; writeln (' PAS1 TST2_ENG'); writeln (' PAS2'); writeln (' LINK TST2_ENG FATSMSPD.OBJ FATSXO16.LIB (call FATSXO16.DLL)'); writeln; writeln ('Please press the [ENTER] key ...'); read( cChar ); (* -------> Open data file *) writeln ('Opening data file ...'); assign (hCustomer, fn_cust); hCustomer.mode:=direct; reset (hCustomer); (* ======================================================================== Creating Matchcode Index ======================================================================== *) (* -------> Creating Matchcode Index File With the command"MC" Create Matchcode File, the most important query facilities are determined already while creating the matchcode index file. With the search-group flag ("I#"), several logically related data columns can be registered in a common index so that a query to this index resp. search group extends automatically over all these columns. A matchcode file manages up to 32 search groups that can be used for joined queries (using the "AND"-operator). In this example the following search groups are defined: Search Group Fields I1 NAME I2 JOB I3 ZIP & CITY The syntax of the command string: szCmnd = "MC\{FileName}\{Flags}\{FileNo}\{Col1def}[\{Col2def}]" FileName Filename, perhaps with an additional path (i.e. C:/DATA/CUSTOMER.FMS or CUSTOMER.FMS) Flags Reserved, not used at the moment FileNo File number Col#def Definition of data column # (flags, separated by comma). The content of the corresponding data columns is transferred the commands "MB", "MI" and "MD" later in the order determined by this command. I# The content of the data column becomes part of search group #. You can combine several columns into a logical search group (e.g. first name, surname). C The content of the data column is edited for word overall searching, i.e. a search for "motorca" e.g. finds "motorcar" and "motor caravan". N Numbers are handled as words, i.e. during a search according to "150", "12150" e.g. is also found. *)
writeln; writeln ('Creating matchcode index file ...'); szCmnd:='MC\CUSTOMER.FTS\\1\I1\I2\I3'; dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey); If uFATSError <> 0 Then Begin writeln; write ('FATS Errorcode: '); write (uFATSError); writeln (' (Command: MC)'); writeln; Return; End; (* -------> Insert text into the matchcode index After the matchcode file was generated, the content of the data columns may be with the command
"MB" Build Matchcode inserted into the matchcode index. The position of the data columns within the command string ("Col#data") corresponds to that with the call of command Create Matchcode File ("MC") determined definition. The syntax of the command string: szCmnd = "MB\{FileNo}\{RecNo}\{Col1data}[\{Col2data}[\{Col3data}]]" FileNo File number RecNo <> 0 Record- resp. id-number == 0 Stop Build, no more records Col#data Content of data column # The following sample program code indexes contents of the entire data file within a loop: *)
writeln; writeln ('Building matchcode index'); writeln; writeln ('Please press the [ENTER] key ...'); writeln; read( cChar ); dwCurRecno:=0; Repeat seek(hCustomer, dwCurRecno + 1); get(hCustomer); If NOT EOF( hCustomer ) Then Begin dwCurRecno:=dwCurRecno + 1; cdata:=hCustomer^; szCmnd:='MB\1\'; If encode(szRecno, dwCurRecno:8) Then concat(szCmnd, szRecno); If cdata.DELETEDMARK = ' ' Then Begin concat (szCmnd, '\'); concat (szCmnd, cdata.NAME); concat (szCmnd, '\'); concat (szCmnd, cdata.JOB); concat (szCmnd, '\'); concat (szCmnd, cdata.ZIP); concat (szCmnd, ' '); concat (szCmnd, cdata.CITY); End; dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey); If uFATSError <> 0 Then Begin (* If an error occurred during the execution of the "MB" command, the matchcode index file is already closed by FATS. *) write ('FATS Errorcode: '); write (uFATSError); writeln (' (Command: MB)'); writeln; break; End; writeln (cdata.NAME,' --> RecNo ', dwCurRecno:-8); End Else Begin (* After the last record was inserted the creating process has to be terminated with the command "MB\{FileNo}\0". Because this command closes the matchcode index file you don't have to do a close command. *) szCmnd:='MB\1\0'; dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey); break; End; Until uFATSError <> 0; If dwCurRecno = 0 Then Begin writeln; writeln( 'Error opening the file CUSTOMER.DAT' ); writeln( 'Please create the file using one of the test programs' ); writeln( 'TST0_ENG.PAS or TST1_ENG.PAS' ); return; End; (* ======================================================================== Matchcode Search ======================================================================== *) (* -------> Open matchcode index file With the command
"O" Open Indexfile you open an existing matchcode index file with the opening flags defined with the command
"Y" Auto Refresh. After the file was opened it can be accessed under the file number you specified. *)
szCmnd:='O\CUSTOMER.FTS\1'; dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey); (* -------> Search in Search-Group 1 (NAME) *) writeln; writeln ('We now search for all customers with the first name Michael.'); writeln; writeln ('Please press the [ENTER] key ...'); writeln; read( cChar ); szCmnd:='MS\1\\0\michael'; Repeat dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey); If uFATSError = 0 Then Begin seek(hCustomer, dwFATSRecno); get(hCustomer); cdata:=hCustomer^; writeln(cdata.NAME, ' | ', cdata.JOB); writeln(cdata.ZIP, ' ', cdata.CITY, '(#', dwFATSRecno:-8, ')'); writeln; szCmnd:='MA\1\'; If encode(szRecno, dwFATSRecno:8) Then concat(szCmnd, szRecno); End; Until uFATSError <> 0; (* --------> Joined search in Search-Groups 2 (JOB) and 3 (ZIP/CITY) *) writeln; writeln ('We are now doing a joined search over the search groups'); writeln ('2 (Job) and 3 (Zip, City) to find all people from nevada'); writeln ('who are related to the transportation industry.'); writeln; writeln ('Please press the [ENTER] key ...'); writeln; read( cChar ); szCmnd:='MS\1\\0\\trans\nev'; Repeat dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey); If uFATSError = 0 Then Begin seek(hCustomer, dwFATSRecno); get(hCustomer); cdata:=hCustomer^; writeln(cdata.NAME, ' | ', cdata.JOB); writeln(cdata.ZIP, ' ', cdata.CITY, '(#', dwFATSRecno:-8, ')'); writeln; szCmnd:='MA\1\'; If encode(szRecno, dwFATSRecno:8) Then concat(szCmnd, szRecno); End; Until uFATSError <> 0; (* --------> Close matchcode index file *) szCmnd:='K\1'; dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey); close( hCustomer ); End.
© 2008 GCS Software, Udo Gertz