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The FATS Toolkit supports a calling interface that is 100% compatible with the program FABS-Plus Net of Computer Control Systems. All programming interfaces of this software were reproduced. There is no need to change your source code. You just need to change obj-/dll files to use FATS in existing projects, for example in the MS-DOS environment you only have to replace the FABSP module with the FATS module. The following Microsoft Basic example demonstrates the use of the  FABS PLUS compatible commands:
PRINT "Compatible Programming Interface (FABS PLUS)" PRINT "This Test Program was designed for Microsoft Basic" PRINT PRINT "Up to version 6.0 of the basic compiler all strings were administered" PRINT "in the data segment of the application. Starting from the version 7.0" PRINT "the entire memory can be used by strings (compiler flag /Fs)." PRINT PRINT "To compile and link the test program, use ONE of the following methods:" PRINT PRINT " 1. METHOD: Linking FATS to the program (FAR-Strings)" PRINT PRINT " BC tst0eng7 /Lp /Fs" PRINT " LINK tst0eng7 fats.obj fats_mb7.obj" PRINT PRINT " or if you own the extended version of FATS:" PRINT PRINT " LINK tst0eng7 fatsx.obj fats_mb7.obj" PRINT PRINT " 2. METHOD: Calling the Dynamic Link Library" PRINT PRINT " BC tst0eng7 /Lp /Fs" PRINT " LINK tst0eng7 fatsmb7d.obj fats_o16.lib (call FATS_O16.DLL)" PRINT PRINT " or if you own the extended version of FATS:" PRINT PRINT " LINK tst0eng7 fatsmb7d.obj fatsxo16.lib (call FATSXO16.DLL)" PRINT INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...", X$ PRINT REM -------> open file with test data OPEN "R", #1, "..\..\..\DEMODATA\CUSTOMER.ASC", 105 FIELD #1, 5 AS F1$, 25 AS F2$, 25 AS F3$, 25 AS F4$, 5 AS F5$, 20 AS F6$ REM -------> create data file PRINT "Creating Data File ..." OPEN "R", #2, "CUSTOMER.DAT", 128 FIELD #2, 1 AS DELETEDMARK$,_ 5 AS CUSTID$,_ 25 AS NAME$,_ 25 AS JOB$,_ 25 AS STREET$,_ 5 AS ZIP$,_ 20 AS CITY$ REM -------> create index file PRINT "Creating Index File ..." CALL FABSMB3(seg "C\CUSTOMER.KEY\25\4\A\1", ERRORCODE%, RECNO%, ADRKEY%) IF ERRORCODE% <> 0 GOTO ENDE REM -------> insert records PRINT PRINT "290 records will be inserted into the data file." PRINT "For each record 4 keys will be stored in the index file" PRINT INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...", X$ FOR X=1 TO 290 GET #1,X LSET DELETEDMARK$=" " LSET CUSTID$=F1$ LSET NAME$=F2$ LSET JOB$=F3$ LSET STREET$=F4$ LSET ZIP$=F5$ LSET CITY$=F6$ CMND$="I\1\"+RTRIM$(CUSTID$)+"\"+RTRIM$(NAME$)+"\"+RTRIM$(JOB$)+"\"+RTRIM$(ZIP$+CITY$) CALL FABSMB3(seg CMND$, ERRORCODE%, RECNO%, ADRKEY%) IF ERRORCODE% <> 0 GOTO ENDE PRINT NAME$;" --> RecNo ";RECNO% PUT #2,RECNO% NEXT X CLOSE #1 REM -------> print all customers, sorted in ascending order by NAME PRINT PRINT "This list shows some fields from the Customer Table," PRINT "sorted in ascending alphabetical order on the Customer's" PRINT "surname and forename." PRINT INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...", X$ CMND$="F\2\1" LOOP1: CALL FABSMB3(seg CMND$, ERRORCODE%, RECNO%, ADRKEY%) IF ERRORCODE% <> 0 GOTO LABEL1 CALL FABSGETKEY(FABSKEY$, ADRKEY%, 25) GET #2,RECNO% PRINT NAME$;" ";JOB$;" --> RecNo ";RECNO% CMND$="A\2\"+STR$(RECNO%)+"\1\"+FABSKEY$ GOTO LOOP1 LABEL1: REM -------> print all customers, sorted in ascending order by JOB PRINT PRINT "Two columns - JOB and NAME are displayed, sorted in ascending" PRINT "order by the JOB field." PRINT INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...", X$ CMND$="F\3\1" LOOP2: CALL FABSMB3(seg CMND$, ERRORCODE%, RECNO%, ADRKEY%) IF ERRORCODE% <> 0 GOTO LABEL2 GET #2,RECNO% PRINT JOB$;" ";NAME$;" --> RecNo ";RECNO% CMND$="N\1" GOTO LOOP2 LABEL2: REM -------> print list with records sorted by ZIP and CITY PRINT PRINT "Three columns - ZIP, CITY and NAME are displayed, sorted in" PRINT "descending order by ZIP then CITY." PRINT INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...", X$ CMND$="L\4\1" LOOP3: CALL FABSMB3(seg CMND$, ERRORCODE%, RECNO%, ADRKEY%) IF ERRORCODE% <> 0 GOTO LABEL3 CALL FABSGETKEY(FABSKEY$, ADRKEY%, 25) GET #2,RECNO% PRINT ZIP$;" ";CITY$;" ";NAME$;" --> RecNo ";RECNO% CMND$="E\4\"+STR$(RECNO%)+"\1\"+FABSKEY$ GOTO LOOP3 LABEL3: ENDE: REM -------> close index file CALL FABSMB3(seg "K\1", ERRORCODE%, RECNO%, ADRKEY%) CLOSE #2 END REM -------> SUB: get the return key value from FATS SUB FABSGETKEY (FABSKEY$, ADRKEY%, KEYLEN%) FABSKEY$="" CALL GFSEG(FSEG%) ADRKEY=ADRKEY% IF ADRKEY < 0 THEN ADRKEY=ADRKEY+65536! FOR X=ADRKEY TO ADRKEY+KEYLEN% - 1 DEF SEG=FSEG% KCHAR=PEEK(ADRKEY) DEF SEG FABSKEY$=FABSKEY$+CHR$(KCHAR) ADRKEY=ADRKEY+1 NEXT X END SUB
© 2008 GCS Software, Udo Gertz