FATS - Fast Access Tree System
Table of Contents
Programming Interfaces
Watcom C/C++ for DOS

Watcom C/C++ for DOS

Needed Object Files

To link FATS to your programs you will need the following object modules:

fats.objThe FATS module for DOS
fats_wcs.objInterface / small-model
fats_wcm.objInterface / medium-model
fats_wcc.objInterface / Compact-model
fats_wcl.objInterface / Large-model

The following libraries are included on the distribution diskette to call the FATS Workstation Engine:

fatswcsr.libInterface / Small-model
fatswcmr.libInterface / Medium-model
fatswccr.libInterface / Compact-model
fatswclr.libInterface / Large-model

If you want to make calls to the extended version of FATS (FATSXWE.EXE), you have to use the libraries fatsxcsr.lib (small), fatsxcmr.lib (medium), fatsxccr.lib (compact) or fatsxclr.lib (large).

Linking a Watcom C Program with FATS

To compile and link a application that calls FATS, use ONE of the following methods:

1. METHOD: Linking FATS to the program

WCL /m[?] /l=dos /bt=dos tst1_eng.c fats_wc[?].obj fats.obj
[?] == s (small model), m (medium), c (compact), l (large)

2. METHOD: Calling the Workstation Engine (FATS_WE.EXE)

WCL /m[?] /l=dos /bt=dos tst1_eng.c fatswc[?]r.lib

or if you own the extended version of FATS: (FATSXWE.EXE)

WCL /m[?] /l=dos /bt=dos tst1_eng.c fatsxc[?]r.lib

Calling FATS

FATS commands are executed with the function FATSCALL:

unsigned long __cdecl FATSCALL(char *szCmnd,unsigned short *nErrorcode, char *szFatsKey);

Parameter Usage:

szCmndCommand string (input)
nErrorcodeErrorcode (output)
szFatsKeyKey value (output)
Return Value:Record Number


The FATS distribution disk for PC-DOS/MS-DOS contains some test programs in the directory DOS_16I\C\WATCOM that illustrate how you can use the FATS commands in your programs:

 tst1_eng.cTest program for Watcom-C Compiler
 rebuild.cRe-Indexing a Data File (commands 'BK', 'DL')

The extended version of FATS contains the following additional test programs:

 tst2_eng.cIntroduction to the Matchcode Functions
 mcsort.cUse of the key-flag with command 'MC'
 reindex.cFast Re-Indexing with the command 'XB'


© 2008  GCS Software, Udo Gertz