FATS - Fast Access Tree System
Table of Contents
Programming Interfaces
Borland Pascal for DOS (Protected Mode)

The following Borland Pascal example demonstrates the use of the FATS  indexing commands:

 "C" Create Indexfile
(Creates a index file with the specified characteristics.)
 "O" Open Indexfile
(Makes a index file available for access.)
 "K" Close Indexfile
(Releases a index file from availability.)
 "I" Insert Record
(Insert a new record.)
 "F" Search First
(Gets the key value and record number of the data record with the first key value.)
 "L" Search Last
(Gets the key value and record number of the data record with the last key value.)
 "N" Search Next
(Gets the key value and record number of the data record following the current record.)
 "A" Search Next After
(Gets the key value and record number of the data record whose key value is greater than the requested key value.)
 "E" Search Previous Before
(Gets the key value and record number of the data record whose key value is less than the requested key value.)
 "Y" Auto Refresh
(Specifies file locking and cache modes in single- and multi-user environments.)


   FATS 02.30
   (c) GCS Software, Udo Gertz 1993-1998

   Test program (Borland Pascal / Protected Mode)
   Build the test data file customer.dat.

   19-03-2009 U.Gertz

program TST1_BPE;

     function FATSDLLInit(uDatasize: word): Pointer;
              external 'FATS_BP';

     function FATSDLLExit(lpFATSdata: Pointer): Pointer;
              external 'FATS_BP';

     Calling FATS

     All commands provided by FATS can be executed with one function:


     function FATSDLLCall(var szCmnd: string; var uErrorCode: Word;
              var szFATSkey: string; lpFATSdata: Pointer): longint;
              external 'FATS_BP';

     The meaning of the used parameters:

        szCmnd         With this command string you specify the actual
                       FATS command. The available commands are described
                       in the user manual.
        nErrorcode     Your application must always pass this variable as
                       the status parameter on a FATS call. After the
                       FATS call, the application should always check the
                       value of this variable. FATS returns a errorcode of
                       0 after a successful operation. FATS indicates any
                       errors which occur during processing by returning a
                       nonzero value in the errorcode variable.
                       In the manual you can find a list of all FATS
                       errorcodes and their possible causes.
        szReturnKey    This variable will contain the key value of a found
                       key after any normal search command (S,G,F,L,N,P,A,E).
        Return Value:  Record Number



  fn_demo = '..\..\..\DEMODATA\CUSTOMER.ASC';
  fn_cust = 'CUSTOMER.DAT';
  demolen = 105;


  custrec = record
    DELETEDMARK: char;
    ID: string[5];
    NAME: string[25];
    JOB: string[25];
    STREET: string[25];
    ZIP: string[5];
    CITY: string[20];

  hCustomer: file of custrec;
  hDemodata: file;
  custdata: custrec;
  demodata: array[1..demolen] of char;
  lpFATSdata: Pointer;
  szCmnd: string;
  szFATSkey: string;
  szRecno: string[8];
  uFATSError: word;
  wCount: word;
  dwFATSRecno: longint;


  { -------> init FATS data area }

  lpFATSdata := FATSDLLInit( 20000 );
  if lpFATSdata = nil then exit;

  writeln ('This Test Program was designed for Borland Pascal');
  writeln ('Choose one of the following dynamic link libraries:');
  writeln ('  FATS_BP.DLL    standard version');
  writeln ('     or if you own the extended version of FATS:');
  writeln ('  FATSXBP.DLL    extended version');
  writeln ('Please press the [ENTER] key ...');
  readln (szCmnd);

     -------> Activation of Network Operation
     FATS is standardly equiped for the network environment.
     Nearly all commands can be executed both in single workstation
     and network environment. With the  "Y" Auto Refresh command you
     determine the behavior of FATS accessing all index files.
     Normally it is sufficient to apply this instruction one time at
     the program start whereby the specified access mode will apply
     to all coming opened files, i.e. they are accessed either with
     network (Y\2) or single workstation access (Y\0).


  { szCmnd:='Y\2'; }
  { dwFATSRecno:=FATSDLLCall(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey, lpFATSdata); }

     -------> Open file with test data

  assign (hDemodata, fn_demo);
  reset (hDemodata, 1);

     -------> create data file

  writeln ('Creating Data File ...');

  assign  (hCustomer, fn_cust);
  rewrite (hCustomer);

     -------> Create index file

      "C" Create Indexfile
     With this command you create an index file, whereby a possibly
     already existing file with the same name is deleted.
     After the file is created it will be opened with the opening
     flags defined with the command  Auto Refresh (Y) and can be
     accessed under the file number you specified.
     Max. 200 primary keys per data record can be administered in an
     index file, the max. key length amounts to 240 characters.
     Full path names must be specified using forward slashes (/)
     instead of Backslashes (\), because FATS normally uses the
     Backslash character as delimiter.
     You may change the delimiters by placing the desired character
     as the first character of the command string,
     e.g. szCmnd = "&C&C:\ARTICLES.KEY&1&1&A&1". Any character with
     an Ascii code less then 48 will be accepted.
     The syntax of the command string:
       szCmnd = "C\{Filename}\{KeyLength}\{KeyCount}\{KeyType}\{FileNo}"
         FileName   filename, perhaps with an additional path
                    (e.g. C:/DATA/ARTICLES.KEY or ARTICLES.KEY)
         KeyLength  Maximum key length (1-250)
                    If you choose to have more than one key for
                    this index file, you may specify the length
                    for each key (separated by a semicolon ";")
                    to conserve diskette space.
                    Otherwise, the maximum length applies to all
                    keys, i.e. every key will occupy the maximum
         KeyCount   Number of primary keys (1-200)
         KeyType    Key type (A = Ascii text, I = Integer)
         FileNo     File number (1-40)


  writeln ('Creating Index File ...');

  dwFATSRecno:=FATSDLLCall(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey, lpFATSdata);

               Insert Records

  writeln ('290 records will be inserted into the data file.');
  writeln ('For each record 4 keys will be stored in the index file.');
  writeln ('Please press the [ENTER] key ...');
  readln (szCmnd);



    blockread(hDemodata, demodata, demolen, wCount);
    If wCount = demolen Then Begin

      custdata.DELETEDMARK:=' ';
      move(demodata[1], custdata.ID[1], 5);
      move(demodata[6], custdata.NAME[1], 25);
      move(demodata[31], custdata.JOB[1], 25);
      move(demodata[56], custdata.STREET[1], 25);
      move(demodata[81], custdata.ZIP[1], 5);
      move(demodata[86], custdata.CITY[1], 20);

          "I" Insert Record
         This command is used to insert the primary keys of a new
         data record into the index file. After the insert, the
         record number of the new record is returned in the "RECNO"
         variable. You can use this record number to write the data
         record to the data file.
         The number of keys included in the command string must equal
         the number of primary keys you specified in the
         Create Indexfile (C) command.
         The length of the transferred keys may not exceed the maximum
         key length specified with the Create Indexfile (C) command.
         Variable length keys will be padded with the Ascii char 0 to
         the maximum key length.
         The syntax of the command string:
           szCmnd = "I\{FileNo}\{KeyStr1}[\{KeyStr2}[\{KeyStr3}]]"
             FileNo     File number
             KeyStr#    Key value


      szCmnd:=szCmnd + '\' + custdata.ID;
      szCmnd:=szCmnd + '\' + custdata.NAME;
      szCmnd:=szCmnd + '\' + custdata.JOB;
      szCmnd:=szCmnd + '\' + custdata.ZIP + custdata.CITY;

      dwFATSRecno:=FATSDLLCall(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey, lpFATSdata);

      If (uFATSError = 0) Then Begin

        seek(hCustomer, dwFATSRecno - 1);
        write(hCustomer, custdata);

        writeln(custdata.NAME,' --> RecNo ', dwFATSRecno);

  until (wCount < demolen) or (uFATSError <> 0);


      "K" Close Indexfile
     This command closes the index file with the specified
     file number.
     If you have activated the cache algorithm with the command
     Auto Refresh (Y), the possibly still in the cache buffers
     presented data are automatically written on the disk.
     If the cache is inactive after every FATS command all
     changed data are written on the disk. Therefore closing of
     a file is necessary only before terminating the application.
     If you omit the parameter "FileNo", then all opened index
     files are closed. This version is recommended before the
     termination of the application program.
     The syntax of the command string:
       szCmnd = "K\{FileNo}"
         FileNo     File number


  dwFATSRecno:=FATSDLLCall(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey, lpFATSdata);


      "O" Open Indexfile
     With this command you open an existing index file with
     the opening flags defined with the command Auto Refresh (Y).
     After the file was opened it can be accessed under the
     file number you specified. An index file already opened
     with the same file number is closed before this command
     is executed.
     Full path names must be specified using forward slashes (/)
     instead of Backslashes (\), because FATS normally uses the
     Backslash character as delimiter.
     You may change the delimiters by placing the desired character
     as the first character of the command string, e.g.
     szCmnd = "&O&C:\ARTICLES.KEY&1". Any character with an Ascii
     code less then 48 will be accepted.
     The syntax of the command string:
       szCmnd = "O\{FileName}\{FileNo}"
         Filename   filename, perhaps with an additional path
                    (e.g. C:/DATEN/ARTICLES.KEY or ARTICLES.KEY)
         FileNo     File number


  dwFATSRecno:=FATSDLLCall(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey, lpFATSdata);

     -------> Print all customers, sorted in ascending order by NAME

  writeln ('This list shows some fields from the Customer Table,');
  writeln ('sorted in ascending alphabetical order on the Customers');
  writeln ('surname and forename.');
  writeln ('Please press the [ENTER] key ...');
  readln (szCmnd);

      "F" Search First
     This command enables your application to retrieve the
     record number corresponding to the first key value for
     the specified key number.
     The syntax of the command string:
       szCmnd = "F\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}"
         KeyNo      Key number
         FileNo     File number




    dwFATSRecno:=FATSDLLCall(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey, lpFATSdata);

    if (uFATSError = 0) then begin

      seek(hCustomer, dwFATSRecno - 1);
      read(hCustomer, custdata);

      writeln(custdata.NAME, ' --> RecNo ', dwFATSRecno);

          "A" Search Next After
         With this command your application can retrieve the record
         number corresponding to the first key value which is greater
         than the key value you specify.
         If a duplicate key exists, the next higher record number of
         the next duplicate will be returned. The key value you specify
         with "KeyString" don't have to be a valid key in the index file.
         Unlike the "Search Next" command, this command can be used in
         a network environment.
         The syntax of the command string:
           szCmnd = "A\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}"
             KeyNo      Key number
             RecNo      Record number
             FileNo     File number
             KeyString  Key value


      str(dwFATSRecno, szRecno);
      szCmnd:='A\2\' + szRecno + '\1\' + szFATSkey;

  until uFATSError <> 0;

     --------> print all customers, sorted in ascending order by JOB

  writeln ('Two columns - JOB and NAME are displayed, sorted in ascending');
  writeln ('order by the JOB field.');
  writeln ('Please press the [ENTER] key ...');
  readln (szCmnd);



    dwFATSRecno:=FATSDLLCall(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey, lpFATSdata);

    if uFATSError = 0 then begin

      seek(hCustomer, dwFATSRecno - 1);
      read(hCustomer, custdata);

      writeln(custdata.JOB, ' ', custdata.NAME, ' --> RecNo ', dwFATSRecno);

          "N" Search Next
         With this command your application can retrieve
         the record number corresponding to the first key
         value which is greater than the key value recently
         returned by one of the search commands, which have
         to be executed as the latest command.
         If a duplicate key exists, the next higher record
         number of the next duplicate will be returned.
         Each modification of the index file by inserting or
         deletion of keys makes an internal pointer invalid
         that is necessary for this instruction. You better
         use the command  Search Next After (A) because this
         can happen in the network environment from any station.
         If there is no key in sequence FATS will return an
         errorcode of 15.
         The syntax of the command string:
           szCmnd = "N\{FileNo}"
             FileNo     File number



  until uFATSError <> 0;

     --------> print list with records sorted by ZIP and CITY

  writeln ('Three columns - ZIP, CITY and NAME are displayed, sorted in');
  writeln ('descending order by ZIP then CITY.');
  writeln ('Please press the [ENTER] key ...');
  readln (szCmnd);

      "L" Search Last
     This command enables your application to retrieve the
     record number corresponding to the last key value for
     the specified key number. If duplicates exist for the
     last key value, the record number returned identifies
     the last duplicate, that is, the one inserted most
     The syntax of the command string:
       szCmnd = "L\{KeyNo}\{FileNo}"
         KeyNo      Key number
         FileNo     File number




    dwFATSRecno:=FATSDLLCall(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey, lpFATSdata);

    if (uFATSError = 0) then begin

      seek(hCustomer, dwFATSRecno - 1);
      read(hCustomer, custdata);

      writeln(custdata.ZIP,' ', custdata.CITY, ' ', custdata.NAME, ' --> RecNo ', dwFATSRecno);

          "E" Search Previous Before
         With this command your application can retrieve the record
         number corresponding to the first key value which is less
         than the key value you specify.
         If a duplicate key exists, the next lower record number of
         the previous duplicate will be returned. The key value you
         specify with "KeyString" don't have to be a valid key in the
         index file.
         Unlike the "Search Prev" command, this command can be used in
         a network environment.
         The syntax of the command string:
           szCmnd = "E\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}"
             KeyNo      Key number
             RecNo      Record number
             FileNo     File number
             KeyString  Key value


      str(dwFATSRecno, szRecno);
      szCmnd:='E\4\' + szRecno + '\1\' + szFATSkey;

  until uFATSError <> 0;

     --------> Close index file

  dwFATSRecno:=FATSDLLCall(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey, lpFATSdata);


  { -------> free FATS data area }

  lpFATSdata := FATSDLLExit( lpFATSdata );


© 2008  GCS Software, Udo Gertz