FATS - Fast Access Tree System
Table of Contents
Programming Interfaces
Turbo Pascal, Borland Pascal for DOS

The following Borland Pascal example demonstrates the use of the FATS  indexing commands:


   FATS 02.30
   (c) GCS Software, Udo Gertz 1993-1998

   Test program (Turbo Pascal 4-)
   Fast Re-Indexing with the command "XB"
   This program needs the extended version of FATS

   19-03-2009 U.Gertz

program REINDEX;

uses Crt,


  fn_cust = 'CUSTOMER.DAT';


  custrec = record
    DELETEDMARK: char;
    ID: string[5];
    NAME: string[25];
    JOB: string[25];
    STREET: string[25];
    ZIP: string[5];
    CITY: string[20];

  hCustomer: file of custrec;
  custdata: custrec;
  szCmnd: string;
  szFATSkey: string;
  szRecno: string[8];
  uFATSError: word;
  dwFATSRecno: longint;
  dwRecords: longint;

label exitbuild;


  { -------> init FATS datasegment }

  if not FATSINIT(20000) then exit;

  assign  (hCustomer, fn_cust);
  reset (hCustomer);

     -------> Create index file

      "C" Create Indexfile
     With this command you create an index file, whereby a possibly
     already existing file with the same name is deleted.
     After the file is created it will be opened with the opening
     flags defined with the command  Auto Refresh (Y) and can be
     accessed under the file number you specified.
     Max. 200 primary keys per data record can be administered in an
     index file, the max. key length amounts to 240 characters.
     Full path names must be specified using forward slashes (/)
     instead of Backslashes (\), because FATS normally uses the
     Backslash character as delimiter.
     You may change the delimiters by placing the desired character
     as the first character of the command string,
     e.g. szCmnd = "&C&C:\ARTICLES.KEY&1&1&A&1". Any character with
     an Ascii code less then 48 will be accepted.
     The syntax of the command string:
       szCmnd = "C\{Filename}\{KeyLength}\{KeyCount}\{KeyType}\{FileNo}"
         FileName   filename, perhaps with an additional path
                    (e.g. C:/DATA/ARTICLES.KEY or ARTICLES.KEY)
         KeyLength  Maximum key length (1-250)
                    If you choose to have more than one key for
                    this index file, you may specify the length
                    for each key (separated by a semicolon ";")
                    to conserve diskette space.
                    Otherwise, the maximum length applies to all
                    keys, i.e. every key will occupy the maximum
         KeyCount   Number of primary keys (1-200)
         KeyType    Key type (A = Ascii text, I = Integer)
         FileNo     File number (1-40)


  dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey);

  If uFATSError <> 0 Then Begin

    If uFATSError = 65535 Then Begin

      writeln ('FATS workstation engine is not activated.');
      writeln ('Please start the program by entering FATSXWE at the command line.');

    End Else Begin

      write ('FATS Errorcode: '); write (uFATSError);
      writeln (' (Command: C)');


    close( hCustomer );





    If EOF( hCustomer ) Then Begin

         After the last record was inserted the creating process
         has to be terminated with the command "XB\{FileNo}\0".
         Because this command closes the index file you don't
         have to do a close command.

      dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey);
      goto exitbuild;

    seek(hCustomer, dwRecords);
    read(hCustomer, custdata);

    dwRecords:=dwRecords + 1;

    str(dwRecords, szRecno);

    If custdata.DELETEDMARK = ' ' Then Begin

          "XB" Re-Indexing: Build
         This command inserts the primary keys of the specified
         data record ("RecNo") into the index file. The number
         of keys included in the command string must equal the
         number of primary keys you specified in the "C" command.
         Use this command to insert the keys of all data records
         into the index after a successful "Create Indexfile" (C)
         command within a programme loop. The command only can be
         used during the re-indexing phase, i.e. immediately
         according to a call of the "C"-command.
         The command "XB\{FileNo}\0" terminates re-indexing and
         closes the corresponding index file. The file is closed
         automatically in the case of a premature abnormal
         termination of indexing. A subsequent close-command can
         always remain undone.
         The length of the transferred keys may not exceed the
         maximum key length specified with the "Create Indexfile"
         command. Variable length keys will be padded with the Ascii
         char 0 to the maximum key length.
         The syntax of the command string:
           szCmnd = "XB\{FileNo}\{RecNo}\{KeyStr1}[\{KeyStr2}]"
             FileNo     File number
             RecNo      <> 0 Record Number
                        == 0 Stop Re-Indexing
             KeyStr#    Key value


      szCmnd:='XB\1\' + szRecno;
      szCmnd:=szCmnd + '\' + custdata.ID;
      szCmnd:=szCmnd + '\' + custdata.NAME;
      szCmnd:=szCmnd + '\' + custdata.JOB;
      szCmnd:=szCmnd + '\' + custdata.ZIP + custdata.CITY;

    End Else Begin

         Add the data record to the list of deleted records.

      szCmnd:='DL\' + szRecno + '\S\1';

      dwFATSRecno:=FATSCALL(szCmnd, uFATSError, szFATSkey);

  until uFATSError <> 0;




© 2008  GCS Software, Udo Gertz