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The FATS Toolkit supports a calling interface that is 100% compatible with the program FABS-Plus Net of Computer Control Systems. All programming interfaces of this software were reproduced. There is no need to change your source code. You just need to change obj-/dll files to use FATS in existing projects, for example in the MS-DOS environment you only have to replace the FABSP module with the FATS module. The following Basic example demonstrates the use of the  FABS PLUS compatible commands:
10 PRINT "This Test Program was designed for GWBASIC-, BASICA- & Basic86" 20 PRINT 30 INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...";X$ 40 REM 50 REM -------> FSEG / read FATS segmentaddress 60 REM 70 OPEN "I" , #1, "FSEG" 80 INPUT #1,FSEG 90 CLOSE #1 100 REM 110 REM -------> open file with test data 120 REM 130 OPEN "R", #1, "..\..\..\DEMODATA\CUSTOMER.ASC", 105 140 FIELD #1,5 AS F1$,25 AS F2$,25 AS F3$,25 AS F4$,5 AS F5$,20 AS F6$ 200 REM 210 REM -------> create data file 220 REM 230 PRINT"Creating Data File ..." 240 OPEN "R", #2, "CUSTOMER.DAT", 128 250 FIELD #2,1 AS D1$,5 AS D2$,25 AS D3$,25 AS D4$,25 AS D5$,5 AS D6$,20 AS D7$ 260 REM 270 REM -------> create index file 280 REM 290 PRINT"Creating Index File ..." 300 CMND$="C\CUSTOMER.KEY\25\4\A\1" 310 GOSUB 2130 400 REM 410 REM -------> insert records 420 PRINT 430 PRINT"290 records will be inserted into the data file." 440 PRINT"For each record 4 keys will be stored in the index file" 450 INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...";X$ 460 FOR X=1 TO 290 470 GET #1,X 480 LSET D1$=" " 490 LSET D2$=F1$ 500 LSET D3$=F2$ 510 LSET D4$=F3$ 520 LSET D5$=F4$ 530 LSET D6$=F5$ 540 LSET D7$=F6$ 550 CMND$="I\1\"+D2$+"\"+D3$+"\"+D4$+"\"+D6$+D7$ 560 GOSUB 2130 570 IF FATSERR% <> 0 THEN 2030 580 PRINT D3$;" --> RecNo ";RECNO 590 PUT #2,RECNO 600 NEXT X 610 CLOSE #1 700 REM 710 REM -------> print all customers, sorted in ascending order by NAME 720 REM 730 PRINT 740 PRINT"This list shows some fields from the Customer Table," 750 PRINT"sorted in ascending alphabetical order on the Customer's" 760 PRINT"surname and forename." 770 INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...";X$ 780 CMND$="F\2\1" 790 GOSUB 2130 800 IF FATSERR% <> 0 THEN 920 820 GOSUB 2270 830 GET #2,RECNO 840 PRINT D3$;" --> RecNo ";RECNO 850 CMND$="A\2\"+STR$(RECNO)+"\1\"+FATSKEY$ 860 GOTO 790 900 REM 910 REM -------> print all customers, sorted in ascending order by JOB 920 PRINT 930 PRINT "Two columns - JOB and NAME are displayed, sorted in ascending" 940 PRINT "order by the JOB field." 950 INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...";X$ 960 CMND$="F\3\1" 970 GOSUB 2130 980 IF FATSERR% <> 0 THEN 1060 990 GET #2,RECNO 1000 PRINT D4$;" ";D3$;" --> RecNo ";RECNO 1020 CMND$="N\1" 1030 GOTO 970 1040 REM 1050 REM -------> print list with records sorted by ZIP and CITY 1060 PRINT 1070 PRINT "Three columns - ZIP, CITY and NAME are displayed, sorted in" 1080 PRINT "descending order by ZIP then CITY." 1090 INPUT "Please press the [ENTER] key ...";X$ 1100 CMND$="L\4\1" 1110 GOSUB 2130 1120 IF FATSERR% <> 0 THEN 2030 1140 GOSUB 2270 1150 GET #2,RECNO 1160 PRINT D6$;" ";D7$;" ";D3$;" --> RecNo ";RECNO 1170 CMND$="E\4\"+STR$(RECNO)+"\1\"+FATSKEY$ 1180 GOTO 1110 2000 REM 2010 REM -------> close index file 2020 REM 2030 CMND$="K\1" 2040 GOSUB 2130 2050 CLOSE #2 2060 SYSTEM 2100 REM 2110 REM *** Call FATS *** 2120 REM 2130 FTSBASIC=&H5 2140 DEF SEG=FSEG 2150 CALL FTSBASIC (CMND$,FATSERR%,RECLO%,ADRKEY%) 2160 RECLO=RECLO% : IF RECLO<0 THEN RECLO=RECLO+65536! 2170 ADRKEY=ADRKEY% : IF ADRKEY<0 THEN ADRKEY=ADRKEY+65536! 2180 CMND$="X" 2190 CALL FTSBASIC (CMND$,DUMMY%,RECHI%,DUMMY%) 2200 RECHI=RECHI% : IF RECHI<0 THEN RECHI=RECHI+65536! 2210 RECNO=RECLO+RECHI*65536! 2220 DEF SEG 2230 RETURN 2240 REM 2250 REM *** SUB: get the return key value from FATS *** 2260 REM 2270 FATSKEY$="" 2280 FOR X=ADRKEY TO ADRKEY+24 2290 DEF SEG=FSEG 2300 FATSI=PEEK(ADRKEY) 2310 DEF SEG 2320 FATSKEY$=FATSKEY$+CHR$(FATSI) 2330 ADRKEY=ADRKEY+1 2340 NEXT X 2350 RETURN
© 2008 GCS Software, Udo Gertz