FATS - Fast Access Tree System
Table of Contents
Programming Interfaces
Turbo Pascal, Borland Pascal for DOS

Turbo Pascal, Borland Pascal for DOS


The integration of the FATS module occurs in form of a Turbo Pascal unit (Real-Mode) or Borland Pascal Dynamic Link Library (Protected Mode). The FATS distribution disk for PC-DOS/MS-DOS contains the unit‘s source code in the directory DOS_16I\PASCAL\BORLAND:

fats.tpuTurbo-Pascal Unit (compiled with Turbo-Pascal 6.0)
fats_tp.pasUnit sourcecode
fatstp.objFATS object file

The unit FATS_TPR.TPU is included on the distribution diskette to call the FATS Workstation Engine:

fats_tpr.tpuTurbo-Pascal Unit (compiled with Turbo-Pascal 6.0)
fats_tpr.pasUnit sourcecode
fatstpr.objCalling the Engine

If you want to make calls to the extended version of FATS (FATSXWE.EXE), you have to use the unit fatsxtpr.tpu instead of fats_tpr.tpu.

You translate the unit with the following command:

TPC FATS_TPresp.TPC FATS_TPR (Workstation Engine / Basis Version)TPC FATSXTPR (Workstation Engine / Extended Version)

The unit FATS_TP exports the functions FATSCALL & FATSINIT:

function FATSINIT(size:Word):Boolean;

function FATSCALL(var szCmnd:string; var nErrorcode: word; var szFatsKey:string): longint;

Before you can use the FATS commands in your Turbo-Pascal program, you must assign a data area to FATS:

{ -------> init fats datasegment }

if not FATSINIT(20000) then exit;

The above instruction reserves 20000 bytes in the Turbo Pascal heap segment for the use by FATS.

Compiling the Turbo Pascal Program

You translate the test program as follows:


Calling FATS

FATS commands are executed with the function FATSCALL:

dwRecno :=fatscall(szCmnd, nErrorcode, szFatsKey);

Parameter Usage:

szCmndCommand string (input)
nErrorcodeErrorcode (output)
szFatsKeyKey value (output)
Return Value:Record Number


The FATS distribution disk for PC-DOS/MS-DOS contains some test programs in the directory DOS_16I\PASCAL\BORLAND that illustrate how you can use the FATS commands in your programs:

 tst1_tpe.pasTest program for Turbo-Pascal
tst1_bpe.pasProtected Mode test program
 rebuild.pasRe-Indexing a Data File (commands 'BK', 'DL')

The extended version of FATS contains the following additional test programs:

 tst2_tpe.pasIntroduction to the Matchcode Functions
tst2_bpe.pasProtected Mode test program
 mcsort.pasUse of the key-flag with command 'MC'
 reindex.pasFast Re-Indexing with the command 'XB'


© 2008  GCS Software, Udo Gertz