FATS - Fast Access Tree System
Table of Contents
List of Commands
"ED" Search Previous Different Before

"ED" Search Previous Different Before

Command string:

CMND$ = "ED\{KeyNo}\{RecNo}\{FileNo}\{KeyString}"

KeyNoKey number
RecNo Record number
FileNo File number
KeyString Key value


Gets the key value and record number of the data record whose key value is less than and different than the requested key value.


An FATS index file may contain more than one record with the same key. With this command your application can determine the record corresponding to the first key value which is less than and different than the key value you specify.
Unlike the command  Search Previous Before (E), this command skips over duplicate keys.
The key value you specify with "KeyString" donīt have to be a valid key in the index file

Parameters returned:

ERRORCODE:Errorcode or 0 (no error)
RECNO:Record number
FATSKEY:Key value (or KEYADR=address of key)



See also:

 "PD" Search Previous Different; page 4-77


© 2008  GCS Software, Udo Gertz